Welcome to Madonna Catholic School Council
As a parent you are automatically a member of our School Council. It is a wonderful opportunity to collaborate with other parents, teachers and administration to identify and support initiatives that benefit our students, as well as stay informed about what is happening in the school. We'd love to hear from all parents with any thoughts or ideas. Please contact us at madonnacses@gmail.com
School Council currently needs parent support in key positions. Please email madonnacses@gmail.com
Roles and Responsibilities: Alberta's School Councils Regulation defines the roles and responsibilities of school council, including engagement of parents in school improvement planning. As school councils are advisory organizations the primary means of achieving its purpose is to make recommendations to the principal of the school and the school board. Boards and principals are responsible to consider these recommendations and advise the councils of the actions taken in response to the recommendations.
School Council Operating Procedures October 12, 2022