

Elk Island Catholic Schools (EICS) recognizes that parents are a child's first and most important teachers. At EICS, therefore, parents play an integral role in their child's education - both at home and at school. We welcome and encourage parent participation in all areas of their child's education.

Information from EICS

Communicating Student Learning in EICS - Assessment and Report Cards

Information from Alberta Education

What is Inspiring Education?
It began as a conversation between Albertans ... about the growing needs of our students. Inspiring Education is changing the way we think, to ensure we prepare Alberta students for their future - not our past.  Click here for more information.
What is an Engaged Thinker?
What is an Entrepreneurial Spirit?
What is an Ethical Citizen?


Click here to visit Powerschool.

Have you completed the Data Verification Form on the parent portal for your children?

This document is now available on-line once you log-in to PowerSchool.  The form is located under "Student Forms" on the left hand side.  Each of your children will have a seperate form - click on the name of your child on the left then click the form on the right to review, make necessary changes and submit.

Parent Technology Handbook - PowerSchool for Parent

Having trouble loging on?? Phone the school office at 780-467-7972.

Support Services

Element Selection

Alberta Education - Tips for Parents
Preparing for School - Things to Consider Before the First Day of School - Going to a New School - Homework - Reading with Your Child - Safe Internet Use - Avoiding Conflict - Helping Your Child Prepare for High School - Helping Your Child Plan for the Future.

FCSS - Family and Community Support Services (in your respective communities)
Strathcona County Family and Community Services