EICS Pre-Kindergarten programs are faith infused and are rooted in the foundation that every child is created in the image of God, has unique gifts, and is loved.
Independence, initiative, decision making, creativity, the ability to learn, relationships and feelings of self-worth - all have their beginnings in early childhood. Together with families, we build upon children's natural curiosity and spontaneity, encouraging and supporting them as they take their first steps into school.
Kindergarten Readiness: Helping children become all they are called to be!
The development of foundational skills in Pre-Kindergarten settings further develops a child’s skills in the areas of social interaction, play, language, emotional development, physical skills, early literacy and numeracy, and fine motor skills. The basic establishment of these skills in advance typically affords a child a more successful entry to their kindergarten environment.
These readiness skills can be reflected in: social interactions-making friends and peer connections, self care skills, social-emotional regulation to demonstrate age appropriate responses to frustration and excitement, language and communication skills, and physical and motor development.
Early Intervention (PUF Supported Learners)
A child's early years (0-6 years) are an extremely important time for healthy growth and development. This is when a child’s brain and body are developing at a rapid rate. Children grow and develop at different rates, making each child unique. During this time, parents or other caregivers may notice delays or differences in children when compared to developmental milestone guidelines.
Research indicates that early intervention is very effective in supporting a child’s overall development in; learning, regulation, readiness for school, and play and social skills. Early intervention is a collaborative process aimed at helping children grow and develop along with their families and extended support systems. Alberta Education provides Early Childhood PUF funding for children to support these formative years.